Monthly Archives: May 2008

Becareful Bloggers

Government claim that they will be “engaging” bloggers who are making baseless allegations and seditious remarks.

I don’t get engaging, it claims that they do not want to close them down, but only to engage them? Does this means that bloggers will go to jail? Will be fined?

They are still blaming others on the lost, when the obvious reason is something they did wrongly. Blog just act as a medium to convey the act to the public.

What Malaysian Blog about?

If you are thinking of having a blog, you should have some idea what you are writing about. There is tons of stuff you could write about other than yourself. I own few blogs and it is all about different stuff. Here is some idea.

  • Personal Blog
  • Business Blog
  • Hobby Blog
  • Blog about Blog

Other than that, you should know that Worpress is a very powerful script and easily altered to different usage. ie Classifieds, Directory, Publishing Website and maybe some new idea you can think of.

Girl with 10A1s denied scholarships to be come a Doctor

I am quite sure people with such talent should be given a chance, moreover, their family will not be able to afford to support her further studies.

News from TheStar

What would you have done if you own this blog?

I sometimes wonder if someone else where to own this blog, what would the person do? I am pretty sure that most people will just register and leave it as it is. This blog was registered early, during the invite only period, which is pretty lucky for me to grab such a good domain. I know that if I do politics, this would actually be pretty good domain, but unfortunately for me, I hardly catch up with todays politics.

If you have any ideas for me to run this blog, let me know. I would be interested to know.

Malaysia Classifieds

Newspaper Classifieds have been a vital trade medium for everyone, and Internet has actually made it better with wider exposure and lesser cost to the medium, seller and buyer. My Malaysia Classifieds have been started since 2004 and it has grown into a trading community with 5000+ pageviews/day.

Malaysia Classifieds Online is very essential to enhance trade of used electronics, cars, property, housing, real estate, books, jobs and any other item you could think of.

If you have something to sell or you are looking for a rental for your property. Try Syiok.Com, since it is free, you basically have nothing to lose.

There is a lot of benefit to using online classifieds and many have already try using them. The main reason is because you could reach the potential buyer without using an agent, therefore saving you some money and you could rent/sell your property more competitively.

My Props to Raja Petra

I must admit that I don’t do politics, but I know that there are some right people in the politics fighting for the right cause. Raja Petra is one of them.

Was reading the newspaper about his article on “Let’s send the Altantuya murderers to hell“, claiming it has 9 paragraphy of seditious words. What is wrong having seditious words for someone who has murder another person?


Tan Hong Ming Commercial

Local advertising creative director and filmmaker Yasmin Ahmad, has won three awards (two gold and one bronze) at the 2008 International ANDY awards in New York.

Here is the advertisements. It is a good one.

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad’s Blog

A little slow on posting this but I think most of you would like to know that even our ex-prime minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad started to blog now. Blogging by the name Che Det. Wonder what does that means.